Something's happening!What To Do?

Institutional Resilience site

  • Go to the gym
    If it's safer to leave campus, we'll coordinate departure from there.
    If it's safer to shelter at the gym, that's what we'll do. 
    Bring backpack and meds 
  • Do not leave the campus solo 
    Wait for official word about whether to stay or go.
    We may need to use the seats in your car.
  • If time is short you're safer here
    Gym has housed us safely before 
    Leaving late can be dangerous

More on Wildfire response 

  • Duck & Cover
    away from windows, falling objects, power lines, building perimeters 
  • Hold on
  • Check in at dorm/building assembly area, then go to Thorrington Field
    and if safe to get them, bring your meds 
  • Food, shelter, medical 
    The very basics will be available ASAP
  • If trapped, BANG on something 
    That sound travels better, and you won't get worn out shouting

More on Earthquake response


  • Practice good personal hygiene. This is the single most effective thing you can do to prevent illness.
  • Prepare a Cold & Flu Kit (as recommended by*):
    - Fever and pain relievers
    - Cough syrups and drops
    - Nasal sprays
    - Decongestants
    - Thermometer
    - Fluids
    - Tissues
    * - FYI only; Westmont does not endorse any medical entity
  • Get immunization shots when the vaccines become available
  • DO NOT go to class or to work if you get symptoms. Stay in your room (or if feasible go home) until 24 hours after your unmedicated fever is gone
  • Call 9-1-1 in all medical emergencies 
  • Then call Public Safety 805-565-6222
  • Then call RD/RA/Supervisor
  • Stay with victim
    Keep them as comfortable and stable as possible
  • Determine identity
    and be prepared to communicate key info to responders (ID, medical need, etc)

Options to Consider:

  • Run: Can you safely escape?
    • Run carefully away from sounds of gunshots.
    • Stay low and away from windows; cautiously check before turning corners.
      When confidently safe, call 9-1-1
  • Hide: Is there a safe place to barricade?
    • Lock the door if possible and hide; use heavy objects to barricade door. Stay low.
      Gather near doorway but not in line of sight upon opening.
    • Turn off cell ringers, but have one person quietly call 9-1-1 and remain on the line with the dispatcher
  • Fight: How will you fight together?
    • Work together to surprise, confuse and fight the intruder.
    • Be ready to throw objects and “dog-pile” him.
    • Active responses have proven far more effective than passive.



Version for persons with disabilities or access and functional needs.

Adapted from M Tau: "Targeted Violence..."; 10/30/13 presentation.



Westmont is deeply concerned about any incidents of sexual assault, and encourages prompt reporting of any incidents to appropriate college officials.


  • Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center: 24 hour hotline for support: 805-564-3696
  • Campus Resources: Health Center (805-565-6164) and/or Counseling Center (805-565-6003)
  • Less Confidential: While the following college officials will make every effort to assist in a compassionate and circumspect manner they are required by law to report the matter for internal followup:
    • Resident Directors
    • Resident Assistants
    • Student life deans
    • Faculty department chairs
    • College employee supervisors
    • Directors of off campus programs
    • Vice presidents
    • The College Title IX officer


  • DO NOT wash or discard clothing which might contain helpful evidence.
  • DO HAVE a confidential physical examination (available at the Westmont Health Center).
  • MORE INFO is available in the Student Handbook which is also online under Current Students/Handbooks & Policies.
  • Sustain communication
    They need to know you'll listen.
    Discuss specific intentions openly.
    Don't argue; and don't leave them.
  • Take threat seriously
    Don't assume they won't do it,
    but don't assume they can't be stopped.
  • Call Public Safety (805-565-6222)
    If they have a plan, the means, a lethal method, and a time in mind, they need intervention now.
  • Follow up
    If student: Contact their RD (or the RD On Call: 805-565-6273)
    If employee: Contact their supervisor, or HR (805-565-6101)

As recommended by the National Alliance on Mental Illness. For more info and help check the ULifeline link at Westmont's Counseling Center.

  • If door is HOT, stay in room
    or exit through a window if possible 
  • If door is COOL, open slightly
    to check for smoke
  • If you see SMOKE, stay in room
    and use towels, etc to cover openings
  • If no smoke, close door behind you and go to assembly area
  • Pull alarm en route and call 9-1-1

In this video, Brett Gracely ’90, a water resource engineer with Matrix Design Group, assesses the potential for flooding at Westmont and says that expected rainfall will not severely impact the campus. 

Westmont is outside the official evacuation zone.

  • Stay indoors
  • Stay away from running water
  • Do not drive across flowing streams

Our utility power company Southern California Edison (SCE) has established a Public Safety Power Shutdown program (PSPS) under which they could—as a last resort—preemptively turn off power to selected circuits in order to prevent a wildfire. However, the college has a generator which would automatically continue to serve the entire campus.* College officials have plans in place to communicate and address a potential disruption in the unlikely case an outage is foreseen to last from a few hours to a couple days. If power does go down:

  • Never use candles
    Use flashlights or headlamps instead
  • Unplug computer
    to prevent surge when power restored
  • Minimize movement in the dark
    Library, DC and Gym have supplemental backup power in case it's safe to find your way there

* - Except isolated areas on lower campus served by different utility circuits.

Emergency Phone Numbers
Emergency 911   Westmont Health Center 805-565-6164
Campus Safety 805-565-6222   Westmont Counseling Center 805-565-6003
Rape Crisis Center Hotline 805-564-3696   Rape Crisis Center Front Desk 805-963-6832
Poison Hotline 800-222-1222      
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255      
Cottage Hospital ER 805-569-7210      
On Call RD (565-OCRD) 805-565-6273      
Dorm Assembly Areas
DORM Location   DORM Location
Armington Deane Lawn   Ocean View Parking Lot
Clark Front Lawn   Page Parking Lot #6
Emerson Parking Lot #4   Van Kampen Parking Lot #19
GLC Parking Lot #18      

More about Westmont's readiness initiatives 

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